Performative Lesung und Installation von Susana Ojeda
Gelesen werden Ausschnitte aus dem kollektiv gestalteten Buch Hee Yaia Godo Bakari aus der Region des Flusses Pira Paraná, Kolumbien. Begleitend ein Schrein, wie aus einer zukünftigen Welt, um unsere Beziehung zu anderen und unsere Beziehungen zum Essen zu heilen.
Susana Ojeda ist Anthropologin und Filmemacherin. Seit 2011 dreht sie als Co-Partnerin mit ihrer Produktionsfirma estudio elgozo unabhängige Dokumentarfilme über soziale und kulturelle Projekte. Susana wurde in Bogotá geboren, studierte Anthropologie und hat einen MA in Regionalentwicklung. Daher enthalten ihre audiovisuellen Arbeiten theoretische und methodologische Elemente aus der Anthropologie sowie Reflexionen aus feministischen und dekolonialen Theorien. In Wien hat Susana verschiedene soziale Aktivismusaktionen mit dem Kollektiv antikolonialer Interventionen in Wien, Ni Una Menos Austria und Colectiva la Pulpa mitgestaltet.
This installation seeks to recover the sacredness of life that the dominant culture has lost. To remember and honor our ancestors, all of whose knowledge has been protected by communities that have resisted the homogenizing onslaught of capitalism. A small temple as taken from a future world where the worship of the mother goddess has been recovered and placed in the centre. The offerings around her: Coca an Tobacco leafs, quinoa, lentils, snails, feathers, crystals, water, incense, a lit candle, refer to my own rituals and gratitude practices. Extended on the ground in the form of a snail, offering plants sown by Iris who grows the food that feeds me in Waldviertel. The spiral is one of the oldest symbols and is found on all continents, it represents the beginning and the end, the eternal cycle of life.
Susana Ojeda is an anthropologist and filmmaker based in Vienna. Since 2011, she has been making independent documentaries about social and cultural projects with her co-owned production company: estudio elgozo. Born in Bogotá, Susana studied anthropology and has a MA in regional development. Hence, her audiovisual pieces have theoretical and methodological elements that come from anthropology, as well as reflections from ecofeminism and decolonial theories. In Vienna, Susana has co-created various social activism actions with the Kollektiv antikolonialer Interventionen in Wien, Ni Una Menos Austria and Colectiva la Pulpa.
Foto © estudio el gozo