Diving into the Argentine Tango
Thu Feb 16th, 7 pm
Diving into the Argentine Tango
(Taster) workshop with Germano Milite and Julia Libiseller
“Tango Argentino is an improvisational dance form, in which we develop three key elements: embrace, musicality and the right way of walking.
During this evening, we will show examples of the different types of music to which we dance Tango Argentino: Tango, Walz, Milonga and Nontango.
Afterwards, all participants will feel and experiment with the Tango themselves. We will show exercises, in which the perception of the body axis is awakened and made perceptible and how we can get into contact with our partner through the embrace. We will also show how the music and our perception of rhythm can merge into a lively whole.
We will end the evening with a small Tango party (milonga).
We look forward to seeing you!”
No participation fee and no previous experience necessary. Registration requested.